hello october i hope ill gonna spend less this month i shop a lot lately....i thought im not going to shop a lot this month after an almost 1000$ of shopping last month but cant help it..lol...tnx to mu hubby that even sometimes he woul sad "really again" but when i pout my lips and walk away he will say ok..ha ha ha.. such a spoiled...
anyhow this is what i scored this month however most of them are souvenir items from the place we visited i love buying souvenir items bec. it keeps memories...
sept shopping picks grand total of 1010$
308$ |
six flags new england its my firts time ever to go ther and have a roller coaster ride that almost make me faint, and its the first time my hubby hearede me scream like a baby...lol
harley davidson tank top my first HD items his a HD fan and i like the tank top so i grabbed it... theres a rider boots that i like so much but no size 5 wahhhh.. too bad..
hooter shirt, my 3rd hooter shirt and planning to grabbed a piece every hooter place we go..lol...
west palm beach tank top shirt i bought it during our first visit
guitar picks, personalized souvenir item that we bought during THE BIG E town fair, hubbys playing guitar and he bought maybe 8 guitar picks of different colors and styles..
chapps for our bike ride for a fall drive...grrrr
black hat its so hot/ sunny during our BIG E adventure so i grabbed this cute hat
265$ |
disney bag & bracelet, my first time ever visit so i need a souvenir
a gator collar necklace and i love it.... florida baby
leopard bangles, amethyst gem stone ( my birth stone) and zebra sterling necklace) fro Lion country safari
cute white watch love the style and i dont have white watch yet..
revlon pressed powder & cG foundation this foundation is good bec it has spf 15 a foundation and sun screen in one
souvenir shirt from jupiter florida ( black) and from Lion country safari( blue)
155$ |
hot kiss denim jacket , statement necklace, avaitor, jeans & bag from charlotte so far my shopping boutique i love thier stuff jeans fits weel on me ( size 4 ) waaaahhhh im big now.. dont like it...
claires earings i love the bling bling..
i just needed a new wallet with out money...lol
total of 20$
i bben looking for the hand sanitizer that i can hang on my bag since i break my first one and recently i found one and im happy
217$ |
hockey souvenir shirt i bought during hockey jumborie
refuge pants fro charlotte russe orang & black dotted
black cardigan hubbys choice
many pairs of socks
i just love collecting avaitor hubby "every color in every clothes huh" me "lol"
just for an eternity scent ...lol
make up brush my lancome brush is not in good condition anymore..over used..lol
my last shopping foor the month is forever 21, i just wanna buy the 2 longsleeve tees but honey spotted the jeggings and the sexy top and he wants me to buy it..lol..
thanks honey...