Í know I packed early you know why? Im so excited … its my
first cruise ever I just want everything to be ready. I’m an organize person
and I want everything ready ahead and hey 5 days cruise need s a lot of
preparation right? I don’t want to be stress on the day of the
cruise by cramming and on the cruise bec
I forgot something. So how I prepare for this trip?
I looked for the cruise dress code and from
there I brain storm what to bring. For carnival cruise dinner dress code for women : its time to be fabulous , can wear long gown,
cocktail dress, sundress, skirts & blouses , pants of
semi or formal look, shorts and
swim suits are not allowed. For men: tux, suits, or slacks
With collared polo’s will do
For day time: I packed some sun dress , shorts
& tops, swimsuits & swimsuits covers I don’t buy new
swimsuits because I’m sot sure if
I’m gonna swim I hate sun ( only Asian heritage can understand me with this,
if white people loves to be tan , and us
brown colored people wants to be white I always tell my husband I need your
skin and he will replied ok let’s just exchange ohh how I wish.. in
America tanning is a trend in Philippines whitening is a trend.
So I choose my clothes, oh boy I tell you its
not easy but I enjoyed doing it. I spent
maybe more than 30 mins. on my closet just looking and my mind is spinning.. What
clothes, what outfit I need to bring???
I picked some clothes Tried
it..tried more and finally decided what to bring..
What I will bring?
For dinner: Black hi-low skirt
with corset im not sure if im gonna wear the jacket if I get cold I might wear
it, with blush accessories paired with black booties
Pink strap dress
+ light violet cardigan + gold accessories
Floral hi-low skirt +
backless black top+ cobalt accessories + black booties
Black skirt +
black-orange tube/haltered top + black see tru blouse to be wear as a cardigan + some orange accessories
Leopard maxi dres + my
wedding accessories ( maybe)
Hi-low striped dress +
fuchsia cardigan
Hi-low chevron dress I
might wear this for embarkation day so that I don’t need to
change im not sure yet .
my animal print
dress and I love it
yello hi-low skirt +yellow& brown combo
maroon hi-low skirt+ neon& maroon combo
tank top
Day time: pairs of
shorts?skirts & tops , since it will hot & humid I packed light blouses
(indoor & outdoor)
Swimsuits& swimsuits
covers though im not sure if im gonna dip in the pool or in the beach..ohh well
..we will see..

Shoes, when I travel I don’t really like
bringing shoes because its big and it occupies a lot of space in the luggage.
That’s why I always choose outfits that
I can pair with one shoes (
that’s why im telling you guys, You need to plan ahead and not cramming and grabbing anything you can on the day of your trip that’s a NO, No for me its kinda stressful, everyday
life is stressful it self and going for
a cruise leave the stress in your house and enjoy
and be stress free . this trip however I need to bring extra shoes for the dress .in
choosing a shoes for 5 sets of dresses I
consider the color & style of the dress since most of the dress &
skirts are hi_low I decided to bring
the black booties. Other shoes I’m gonna bring are wedge shoes for the Mayan ruins trip it will be a lot of
walking so comfy shoes is necessary ,I’m
gonna bring my leopard flats for the usual dinner. And finally flip tops. In
deciding what shoes to wear go with neutrals every color will go with it. Another
tip for packing shoes wears the most bulky shoes on your travel date if
possible it will help maximize your luggage bag.
Bag, as you know guys im a matchy, matchy girl
that I always pair my bag to my shoes & my outfit but this time I
decided to bring neutral bag that will
go with everything.
Accessories.. oh boy I packed a bunch I guess
per outfit. How I packed it? For small
chain necklace I kept them separately, for earrings I kept them in a small box,
for bracelets & bangles and big necklaces I kept together in a separate
Chargers, phone & tablet im not sure if im
gonna bring my computer yet I think I
have enough memory for pictures .undecided..
We always bring our personal kit/ travel kit ,
im bacteriophobic , so I always bring
my hand sanitizer ( gel & wipes)
My vanity kit & hair dryer, I need to buy
sunscreen & beach hat.
Aviator ,
belts, and scarf,&socks
Documents needed for the trip. Passport & my
green card + tickets. Im always kinda OCD every time I bring my passport though Im used of traveling internationally
can’t help it but to check it over &
over again bec. I know if Im
gonna loss it I will be in trouble.
And if you think im done I am not . I still
need to prepare my husband’s clothes.
What I packed for him?
Suits for the formal dinner
& polos for dinner ( his
usual Sunday clothes) hmmm its not hard to pick clothes for a man its not
complicated as women do .
Day time clothes his usual get up ( T-shirts
& cargo shorts ) honey you’re making my life easier lol.. 5 sets +
3 set of foot wear dress shoes, slippers &
rubber shoes
Socks, swimming trunks
6. some medicine. head ache, allergy, flu & for hubbys Rx.
Whoooaaahhh and now im done… it’s a lot to
pack but don’t worry guys ill make them fit in 1 check in luggage bag I don’t really think we
need a carryon bag but as they said when traveling always bring a set of
clothes with you + personal / Travel kit why? Its simply because if your
luggage bag get lost you still have something with you and I always do that Ive
learned that the first time I accepted a job abroad im young and don’t know
nothing about traveling so I decided to get some help online and it really help
The advantage of this trip to us is that we don’t
need to fly so bringing a lot of stuff is not really a problem but still I didn’t
over do it. One of the tips I read online was you can always mix and match and
it only means that stretching your clothes
like 1 shorts/ skirts for 3 blouses
see planning ahead is really
necessary when traveling. But I don’t reuse my clothes without washing so I need to
bring set of clothes every day ( 2-3
sets everyday).