Sunday, March 6, 2011

tapaz capiz 2011

its been a while that i dont got a chance to visit again, my last visit was 2007 my uncle and his fam is living there when i was a child  and in my teens i used to spend summer vacation  , went  for fiesta...... but due to shedule lately i was not able to visit .,,,

today is the 1st year death anniversary of my aunt so we have reason to go..its sort of family reunion as well bec. lots of family member were there...

i choosed this outfit for this visit its kinda rugged formal...

 a rugged formal look
when i used a  shirt with collar i usually tuck it in to give a rugged formal look paired with wedge and gold axes

since i wear a yellow shirt and soo color coordinated rule is aint my trip today so i used
 gray wedge and gray bag too
gold belt and gold axes
yellow shirt and yellow bracelet

and thats made up my outfit today

here are some photos there

with my relatives and my parents

maderas brother with my mom

its morethan a smile

after munching yummy foods , chat, laughing, bonding we went home...

gonna miss u guys

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