yesterday we went to jeddah and it was such a long and expensive trip..we left the house after midnight so no sleep the whole time... stayed in the airport till morning and go to the embassy for my 730 appointment it goes so well after an hour its done but the waiting kills us bec they dont want us to enter the gate they said 730 so ok we walked around and waited untill 720 and headed there back again and just to see the line was long.. grr wants to kill the guard we should be d 1st in the line..grrrrr... ..
hon has pm appointment so we hang out @ serrafe mall eat our breakfast @ mug &bean and roam around the mall but we cant shoppe bec we cant bring it in the embassy cellphone for 1 day, no wifi, no net haiiizzzzzzz... killing
remembrance fr mugg& bean
after 12noon we headed back to the embassy and waited 1pm to enter haiiiizzzzz the heat, the humidity makes me sick ,,im nauseated and very sick.... haiiiiizzzz tnx god were 1st in the line after an hour inside for honey passport renewal were good waited for the stupid driver who made us wait outside with all the heat , im sick n tired.. around 2pm were on our way to the airport again..
and can u imagine that i ignore Sbbarro haiiiizzzz im too sick to eat im scared that when i take some foods it will come out so quick... haiiiiizzzz... so i just look and swallowed while my hubby is eating... lol..
im not used of slepping while sitting but bec i feel so sick n tired i fall alseep just to wake up bec. this insensitive mother sit beside us and let her child cry to death.. whatta people insensitive she didnt care everybody on that sit is sleeping and when the baby started to cry her throat out everybodys looking at her so bad...
so we get up walked around and finally i decided to eat.. my nap makes me feel better and the hunger is kicking me so we eat @ lacuisine....
waited another hour and finally were boarding

while on plane i cant phatom the greatness of god.. looking at the sky, the clouds that hugging our plane, the sea , the dessert, the sun which till shine at almost 7pm and i wonder in my mind i said how sun still up almost 7 at abha and the realization came in my mind that were flying so high thats why we can still see tha sun but as we descend the sun started to hide in the clouds untill totally darkness took over..
my 18 hours
as an old myth says red is a lucky color.. im hoping for a luck for our trip so i choosed this shirt..without considering that it might be to hot for me wearing that and d abaya at thesame time...
USPA shirt
mango belt
guess? jeans
im supposed to use my red mango hand bag but i choosed convenient than fashion this time so i used my brown tomato shoulder bag, it will be more convenient for a long day |
ready to go |
we landed 10 after 7pm hoping that d driver is there already waiting for us and thanks god he is there waiting for us.. wheewww its just a minute away to my bed all i want to do is to take a hot bah and sleep...and yes i did i had 14 hour sleep yeheyy.. i woke up when my husband s preparing to work but i keep on falling back to sleep that i dont notice heleft already and he didnt wake me up too he knows im so tired.. i woke up at 7,8 i want to get up but i cant untill i opend my eyes checked my cp and its 10am i checked my self yey... im ready to get
i went to commisarry to buy load and some food and when i came back i opened my laptop took my wireless keyboard n mouse from the room and hell yahh.. i pressed some keys that made my computer screen upside down waaahhhh.. and it took 30min of net surfing to get an nswer to my problem.. yes i fixed after stressing out my self agian..
justme today.. still looks tired.. |
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