DIY; yellow dress
i learned hoe to sew when i was 11 yo. and since then time to time i sew anything sometimes i did well sometimes i ruin the material but thats how success is measured right its not how you succeed in the first try but how you accept the failure and tried to get back in your feet and move forward..
2 sundays ago me & hubby went to joanns to buy materials for my little project we find a pattern and i decided to buy it ,i found a perfect material for the dress and its yellow

material: 2 yard of cloth, 22’ zipper

the front as you can see i draw for darts and secure it with pins, so it will easy for me to sew it evenly.

after all the pieces ready its time to assemble them under the machine,.
first sew the zipper, (upper bodice & the skirt)
2nd sew all the darts
3rd sew the upper bodice and skirt together,make sure that you have even line where the upper bodice& skirt are sewn together if not the dress will look funny.
4th sew all the edges make sure that the front & back waist line are in line.
5th sew the hem with 1’ allowance
6th the hardest part lol.. the neck line & the sleeves. what i did was i cut some remaining cloth ” vias” to secure the neck line & sleeves edges.
and walllaaahhhh heres my dress.. and because i am petite i still ahve some cloth so i made a mini skirt as well.

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