its a foggy morning here in South Florida guys, but im kinda excited for the Hawaiian party tonight whooaaaahhhhh.. yesterday i dragged my husband to store to scout for gifts ( i was too excited to wrap it that i forget to take photo of it) and aside from the gifts i bought some item for personal used or to give away for my family back home.

what i wore? my busy was so busy this week that n hour after he wake up he needs to leave for work and i was kinda upset yesterday because before he sleep i told him about going to store later and he said ok and he wakes up late so before he left for work he decided to take me to the store because my face was kinda distorted lol..
leopard dress from a local shop back home
BOC shoes from bob store
nine west bag

just me happy yet tired because i was like a hurricane in a store lol bought 5 items for less than 10 mins…

i bought a bathroom gift pack containing robe eye patch & sponge

for me or im gonna keep it to give away for my family back home..i already pledge perfume to my sister and my mom

ayayay fuchsia nails for todays party„,spoiled & sally Hansen nail polish

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