Monday, October 14, 2013

shopping n errands

were kind of busy over the week end but  im happy specially when I got what I’ve wanted and of course after a very benign week I need some activity during week end.
Friday we shop my new phone lumia 1020
Saturday we went to west palm  to buy some stuff and our way home we decided to go to the mall but in  trying to get a short cut we got a long way I guess because we cant find our way to the mall its a good thing we stumbled upon Becker road in which were kind of familiar with so we took it and it bring us to our house, we rested for a while and headed to treasure coast mall in Jensen beach while I am enjoying my shopping honey spent his time in ruby Tuesday I don’t understand why men in general hates shopping that for me is the most interesting thing to do lol..
I had 200$ cash on hand for shopping plus some cards but when I shopped I always set a limit on how much I should spend for that shopping trip and 200+ is kind of high so I only spend the cash never mind the card. I bought 6 tops one is for my husband he bought me new phone yesterday so I bought shirt for him, denim jeans though im not a jeans users now coz. I find it so hot but its fall & winter season is coming soon and sometimes it gets a little bit colder here too so I need pants, A jumpsuit in teal color and I love it, and a pack of socks well im happy to have additional items in my closet in fact the stuff I bought 1st week of October and stuff I bought from  Philippines I didn’t wear all of them yet , hmmm I guess I have a shopping sickness, haiiizzzz the effect of being far away from you’re love ones I guess that you tend to divert you’re attention to any thing that  can make you happy im not saying im not happy with my life with my husband its not like that t  im happy and very contended with what we have but a family is always a family  that you cant just simply turn your back on and drop you’re love for them.
hmmp some people told me they like my out fit, a red hot shorts as my hubby describes it lol..
what I wore?
printed from Philippines
lei shorts
D&g cap
set of red accessories
beaded bag ( personalized for my tablet )
vera wang sunnies
coach watch
charlotte russe boots
silver bangles & bracelets
sunday church & grocery day ( will be posted soon)

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